How to make hair shiny

How to make hair shiny

Nowadays every woman wants her hair long and shiny because soft and shiny hair is liked by everyone but in the run-of-the-mill life, we are not able to take proper care of our hair. Due to which they become lifeless and dry and also starts falling, we should always keep our hair tied because if you leave your hair open then it fills your hair with dust and soil due to which it becomes weak. Huh. Also, there are some such products in the market, with the help of which you can make your hairs shiny, but those products contain chemicals, due to which there is a harmful effect on the hair, due to which your hairs starts falling.

We should give plenty of moisture to our hairs and also protect them from dust and soil, if your hairs is shiny then you look very beautiful because hairs also helps you to look beautiful. That is why we should take good care of our hair and also pay attention to our own food because if we do not keep good food and drink, then due to this also our hair starts falling weak and falling. Today we will tell you how you can make your hairs shiny and how to take care of it so that it does not become lifeless and dry and at the same time it becomes shiny.

Due to hair becoming lifeless and dry

  1. If the moisture of your hair ends, then because of this also the hair starts looking lifeless and dry.
  2. Due to the harmful rays of the sun, our hair becomes dry and lifeless and their moisture is also lost.
  3. Our hair also looks lifeless and dry due to the dust getting filled in the hair.
  4. If we do not take proper care of our hair and keep them mostly open, then due to this also the hair becomes lifeless and it starts falling.
  5. If we do not put oil in our hair regularly, then because of this also our hair becomes lifeless and dry.
  6. If there is a lack of nutrients in our body and weakness comes, then because of this also our hair starts looking dry and lifeless.
  7. If we do not comb our hair regularly, because of this also the hair becomes dry and lifeless and it starts falling.
  8. Even if we do not eat green vegetables and fruits in our diet, because of this also our hair becomes dry and lifeless.

Tips To Bring Shining In The Hair

  1. We should always keep our hair tied so that it will not break too much and dust and soil will also not be able to get into them, which will make our hairs shiny.
  2. We should add oil to our hair regularly and give them moisture as your hair will become shiny.
  3. We have to take special care of our food and drink and consume plenty of green vegetables and fruits, due to which our hair becomes shiny.
  4. We can also add almond oil to our hair because almond oil contains vitamin E which helps in making our hairs shiny.
  5. We can also put coconut oil in our hair because coconut oil also gives shine to our hair.
  6. If you want, you can also use green henna in your hair because green henna gives a lot of moisture to your hair and it also makes your hairs shiny.
  7. We should choose a good shampoo for our hair and wash our hair after 2 to 3 days as your hair becomes shiny.
  8. You can also apply mustard oil in your hair because mustard oil also makes your hairs shiny and beautiful.
  9. We should drink more and more water because if there is a lack of water in your body, then your hair becomes lifeless because of this, if we drink more water then it becomes shiny after us.
  10. We can also use banana to make our hairs shiny. Banana also helps a lot in making our hairs shiny.
  11. If you want to make your hairs shiny, then you can also wash your hair once a week with tamarind water, it also makes your hairs shiny.
  12. While going out, we should cover our hair properly so that the harmful rays of the sun do not reach them and this prevents our hair from getting damaged.
  13. We should use conditioner after shampooing the hair because conditioner makes your hair shiny.

Some precautions while making hair shiny

  1. We should not keep our hair wet for a long time, if you keep your hair wet for a long time, then it loses its moisture and it also becomes weak.
  2. We should never tie our hair wet, rather we should tie our hair after drying them and combing them with oil in a good way.
  3. We should not get chemical-rich color on our hair, due to which the shine of the hair goes away.
  4. We should never choose cheap shampoo for our hair and oil should also be chosen with great care.
  5. We should not keep our hair too open because if your hair is too open then their shine disappears and they also start falling.
  6. We should never apply two to three things in our hair at once, rather we should use only one thing at a time.

home remedies to make hair shiny

Nowadays there are many products available in the market which make your hair shiny but their use also spoils your hair. But today we will tell you some such ways by which you can make your hair shiny without any harmful effects.

1. Mustard oil

We can also apply mustard oil in our hair and massage mustard oil if you want to make your hair shiny quickly then we should massage mustard oil at bedtime. And then we should leave mustard oil in the hair for the whole night and wake up in the morning and wash our hair with shampoo. If you do this even once a week, then your hair becomes shiny in a few days because mustard oil has some ingredients that make your hairs shiny and also help in making it beautiful.

2. Green Mehndi

If your hair has become lifeless and dry then you can also use green henna in your hairs because green henna also gives moisture to your hair and also makes your hairs shiny. You can also apply lemon juice mixed with green henna because lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which makes your hairs shiny or you can also mix curd in henna, it will also make your hairs shiny. helps to create.

But keep in mind that we have to mix only one of these two things, if you mix both things then it can have a bad effect on your hair, that is why we should mix the same thing while doing henna on our hair. Due to which your hairs becomes shiny and its effect is visible in one use.

3. Almond Oil

If you want to make your hairs shiny then you can also apply almond oil to your hair as almond oil contains vitamin E. Which helps to make your hairs shiny, so we should apply almond oil in our hair twice a week, which will make your hairs shiny in a few days.

4. Banana and Yogurt

If you want to make your hair shiny, then banana and curd also helps you a lot in this, prepare a fine paste of banana and curd. After this, leave it in your hair for 1 to 2 hours, when it dries well, wash your hair with shampoo, after which oil will be applied to them. If you do this even once in 15 days, then it makes your hair shiny because curd and banana have some ingredients that help in increasing the shine of your hair.

5. Coconut Oil

You can also apply coconut oil in your hair, coconut oil also makes your hair shiny, we should massage our hair with coconut oil. And then it should be left like this for 1 to 2 hours and then shampoo your hair, you do this twice a week, by doing this your hair becomes shiny.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

If you want to make your hairs shiny, then you can also use apple cider vinegar, add four to five teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a bucket of water. And then wash your hair with it, if you do this even twice a week, then it makes your hairs shiny. Because apple vinegar has some ingredients that help in making your hairs shiny and with its help your hair becomes shiny in a few days.

7. Egg

Egg also helps a lot in making hairs shiny, if you do not have any problem with eggs, then you can mix eggs in henna and apply it in your hair. This makes your hairs shiny because there are some ingredients in egg which helps in making your hairs shiny and it also makes your hair strong. You must apply egg in your hair once a month, because of this the shine of your hair will never disappear and it will always be shiny.

8. Lemon Juice

If you want to make your hairs shiny in a few days, then lemon helps a lot because lemon contains antioxidant elements in addition to vitamin C. Which makes your hair shiny, put 5 to 6 spoons of lemon juice in a bucket of water and after that wash your hair with this water.

If you do this even twice a week, then it makes your hair shiny.

9. Castor Oil

Castor oil also helps in making your hair shiny because castor oil has some ingredients that removes problems like stickiness in the hair and two-faced hair etc. Due to which your hair becomes shiny, mix two spoons of coconut oil in two spoons of castor oil and bring it to your hair properly and then massage your hair. After this, tie it with the help of a towel and wash your hair with shampoo the next morning, if you do this even twice a week, it keeps enough moisture in your hair and makes your hair shiny and thick.

10. Teacup

Tea leaves are also considered good for our hair because it makes our hair black and shiny, so we should also use tea leaves water in our hair. Boil tea leaves in two cups of water and then filter it and cool that water, when the water cools down properly, then wash your hair with it.

You must use shampoo to wash your hair, it makes your hair shiny, you can do this once or twice a week, it adds shine to your hair.