Bottle gourd juice for weight loss

Bottle gourd juice for weight loss

Increasing weight can give rise to the problem of obesity, which can further lead to many serious diseases. There are many diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, excess cholesterol and cancer, the main cause of which is obesity . To reduce the risk of these diseases, it is necessary to control the weight. In such a situation, a common vegetable ‘Gourd’ can be useful to keep the weight balanced. We have brought you bottle gourd juice for weight loss. Here we will also tell when to drink bottle gourd juice. Along with this, information about how to make bottle gourd juice will also be given.

Bottle gourd juice for weight loss
Bottle gourd juice for weight loss

Let us know directly why bottle gourd juice is beneficial for weight loss.

Why is bottle gourd juice beneficial in weight loss?

If we talk about the benefits of bottle gourd and its juice , then it can be considered very beneficial in terms of health. Let us tell you that gourd juice has anti-obesity properties i.e. fat-reducing properties, which can prove to be helpful to a great extent in weight control . At the same time, further in the article, we have given detailed information about the benefits of bottle gourd for weight loss:

  1. Rich in Fiber

Bottle gourd juice contains a high amount of fiber, which is considered effective for reducing weight (3) . Explain that the intake of fiber makes the stomach feel full for a longer time, due to which there can be a decrease in appetite. Therefore, it may help with weight control (4) . On this basis, it can be said that gourd juice for weight loss can be helpful.

  1. Antioxidant

Bottle gourd juice is also beneficial for weight loss because bottle gourd juice is a rich source of antioxidants like flavonoids (5) . Explain that flavonoids are bioactive compounds in themselves, which can be useful in preventing obesity. Consumption of flavonoid-rich foods can be advised to reduce weight.

  1. Protein

Protein is considered very beneficial for weight loss . Please tell that a good amount of protein is also found in bottle gourd juice (5) . Weight can be reduced by consuming more protein. It is said that protein can make the stomach feel full for a long time. In such a situation, protein-rich foods can be consumed to reduce the desire to eat ( 7 ) . This process can prove to be helpful in weight loss. Apart from this, there has also been talk of including protein in the diet to keep the weight balanced or to lose weight ( 8 ) . However, if there is doubt in the mind regarding the consumption of protein-rich foods, then expert opinion can also be taken in this regard.

  1. Calories

Bottle gourd juice for weight loss can also be considered effective because it is very low in calories. A research related to this informs that cooked bottle gourd contains very few calories. This is the reason why it is considered a great food for those who are dieting. It is said that half a cup or 58 grams of gourd contains only eight calories ( 9 ) . At the same time, bottle gourd juice is also made by boiling it. On this basis, it can be said that bottle gourd juice can be beneficial for weight loss .

After bottle gourd juice for weight loss, know how to make bottle gourd juice in this part of the article.

How to use bottle gourd juice to reduce obesity?
Here we are giving some recipes for how to use bottle gourd juice for weight loss. These can be made easily at home. Apart from this, we will also tell when to drink bottle gourd juice.

1. Bottle gourd juice for weight loss


  • small pieces of boiled half gourd
  • 2 tsp fresh chopped coriander
  • 2 teaspoon mint
  • a piece of ginger
  • salt to taste
  • pinch of black salt
  • half teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 cup water

Juice preparation method:

  • First of all put all the ingredients in the blending jar.
  • Pour water on top.
  • After this, blend all the ingredients for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Bottle gourd juice is ready.
  • Pour this juice in a glass and serve.

2. Bottle gourd juice with lemon and honey

Material :

  • Half gourd boiled
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice

Method of making juice:

  • Put all the ingredients in the juicer.
  • Grind it for 3 minutes.
  • Now serve this prepared juice.

Note: In the summer season, it can be consumed even after keeping it in the refrigerator for some time, so that it cools down a bit.

Know further that how much bottle gourd juice can be consumed in a day to lose weight.

What should be the daily dosage of bottle gourd juice for weight loss?

Talking about the daily dose of bottle gourd juice for weight loss, a research suggests that it can be consumed up to 200 ml i.e. one cup (10 ) . At the same time, in another research, it has been told that gourd juice should be consumed in less than 100 ml quantity ( 9 ) . At the same time, please tell that according to the health and age of the person, its quantity may change. In such a situation, due to its mixed reaction, it is better that medical advice must be taken once for information related to the quantity of bottle gourd juice consumed.

When can you consume: According to a research, drinking bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning can be considered beneficial (11) . On this basis, it can be assumed that it may be better to consume it in the morning. However, it can be consumed at any time.

Here we are mentioning some special things.

Some important tips of bottle gourd juice for weight loss

There is no doubt that gourd can reduce obesity. However, it is also important to keep some things in mind while consuming it. Here we are mentioning some such important tips:

  • Always use fresh and good bottle gourd to make bottle gourd juice. Dry and spoiled bottle gourd can be injurious to health.
  • If the taste of bottle gourd is bitter, do not make its juice. This can harm health. At the same time, in some serious situations, it can also pose a risk of life (12) .
  • Do not store bottle gourd juice in the refrigerator. It should always be consumed fresh. However, it can be kept in the fridge for a while to cool down.
  • Remember that before making gourd juice, peel and wash it thoroughly, then make juice. With this you can avoid the effect of pesticides on the gourd layer.
  • Before making juice, boil the gourd for 5 minutes, so that the harmful elements present in it are eliminated.
  • In addition, bitter gourd juice can cause poisoning in some cases, which can cause problems such as abdominal pain , vomiting , vomiting blood, and diarrhea ( 13 ) . Before making bottle gourd juice, test the bottle gourd a little, if it is bitter then do not make juice.
  • Do not consume bottle gourd juice by mixing it with any other juice (9) .
  • If you are allergic to bottle gourd, do not consume its juice.

After reading this article, now you must have understood that gourd can reduce obesity. Along with this, here we have also told the method of how to make bottle gourd juice. In such a situation, if you want, you can include bottle gourd juice in your weight loss drink. At the same time, along with this, exercise and proper eating habits are also necessary, only then its benefits will be seen. Apart from this, some useful tips have also been mentioned in the article, which are important to keep in mind while drinking bottle gourd juice for weight loss. On the other hand, if there is any kind of problem after drinking bottle gourd juice, then go to the doctor without delay.

Frequently asked questions

Can I drink bottle gourd juice daily?

Excess consumption of anything can cause harm instead of benefit. In such a situation, instead of consuming gourd juice everyday, it is better to consume it only occasionally. On the other hand, if you want to consume it everyday, then take medical advice before that.

Does bottle gourd reduce belly fat?

Yes, bottle gourd can reduce belly fat (10) .

For how many days should we drink bottle gourd juice?

How many days gourd juice should be consumed depends on the age and health condition of the person. That’s why it would be better to take medical advice once in this regard.